You are here: Utility menu > Setup Console > Security Administration > PDF Security Tab

PDF Security Tab

Various print functions in Nexsure result in PDF files that must be made secure in order to control who prints the results. For example, only certain staff members may be allowed to print disbursement checks.

To Add PDF Security

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
  2. On the Setup Console, click Security Administration.
  3. Click the pdf security tab. The pdf security tab is displayed.

  1. On the pdf security tab, click [Add New].

  1. In the dialog box, select the type of PDF security to add. If security for the type of document selected already exists in Nexsure, selecting the same type of document again will override the existing security.

Important: In Nexsure v1.93 the only document type with full security functionality is Check.

  1. Once the document type is selected, click OK. The PDF Entity Type is then added or updated on the pdf security tab.

  1. On the pdf security tab, click Set Password next to the PDF Entity Type just added. The password dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the password dialog box, enter the password for the document type. If no password is entered, a password will not be required for the PDF versions of the document type selected.
  1. Click OK. The password is then applied to all PDFs generated for the selected document type. If a password was entered, notice the Use Password check box is selected.

To Change a Password

  1. On the Utility menu, click SETUP.
  2. On the Setup Console, click Security Administration.
  3. Click the pdf security tab. The pdf security tab is displayed.
  4. Click Change Password next to the PDF Entity Type to be updated. The password entry dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Please enter new password box, enter the new password.

Note: Any new PDFs will require the new password. Any PDFs generated prior to the password change will still require the previous password. Any PDFs generated under a set password will always require that password whether or not the passwords are later changed.

A history of password changes can be displayed by clicking on the PDF Entity Type.